Here are some pretty examples...

There are some great FAQs and How-tos online. I read about how to make invitations, thank you cards, and even customized napkins!
I decided to splurge and buy a Gocco. This came all the way from Japan!
The seller did a great job packaging everything up.
Here's the box of supplies (Surprise!) all opened up. See the tubes and pots of ink. Those are screens on top.
Here's everything laid out. The yellow boxes on the side contain the lightbulbs that you need to flash your image onto the printing screens.
Thank goodness there are instructions. And they come in English too!
I'm excited to use the Gocco for wedding stuff - like thank you cards, programs, place cards, and even maybe the invitations (if I feel especially ambitious).

Wow, that's very ambitious of you to buy a Gocco! You'll have to set up some sort of assembly line process. Now I know who to borrow from should I need one in the future :-)
I know! I'm worried about flashing my eyes out with those light bulbs and getting ink over everything but the screen and the paper. But I'm excited to try it out... once I figure out what my first project should be. :)
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