More about that performance in another post, but I've gone every year since they've started having them after the season's over. Last year was the third tour and FI has gone with me to the last two. He is a very patient FI. :)
After the performance, we did a little gambling (blackjack and slots) at MGM Foxwoods and then headed to our hotel outside of Foxwoods. No way we were staying there, given the price of a room.
The next morning we decided to explore some of the local towns and headed to Stonington, which is about 2 hours east of Stamford, almost near Rhode Island, along the coastline.
We drove into town and looked for a place to eat. There was just one main road and we stopped at the first restaurant we saw, Noah's Restaurant.
The inside was packed, which was a good sign. We got great seats right by the window.
FI orderd the Quiche du Jour, which was some sort of veggie quiche.
I ordered Portuguese Baked Eggs which was Portugueses spicy sausage and tomatoes laid out in a ramekin and then eggs were cracked over it and a salsa was poured on and the whole thing was baked. There was great contrasts of flavors, between the eggs and the spicy salsa and sausage, and textures, with the chewy sausage and soft runny eggs. I tried to make sure I had a bit of everything in each bite.
FSIL has a tomato and spinach omelet, which was hearty and yummy.
We then took a car tour of town. We drove through Main Street to the coast and got out to take some pictures. Stonington is basically a point of land that sticks south into the water. I'm sure there's a proper name for it, and I'm picturing my 5th grade geography lessons, but for the life of me I can't remember what it's called.
Along the coastline, facing east, looking north.
FI and I enjoying the balmy November weather.
A picture south onto the water. I'm assuming you might see the edges of Long Island in the distance.
It was a relaxing weekend and Stonington is a beautiful little town. There were some gorgeous homes and condos. We debated whether this would be a good place for retirement. Or at least an artist's retreat. Well if any of us were actually artists...
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