Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Dibbly awesome outfits...

To continue on the books of my youth post, one of the most influential was The Baby-Sitters Club. I bought each new book every month and every single super special and spin-off for about 6 years.

These books made me want to be a baby-sitter and wear the crazy outfits that Claudia wore and be as cool as Stacey. However, now looking back, I can see how ludicrous some of those plots are and how silly the narration was.

But still... I loved re-reading them and I was sad when I donated all my old books to Zoe for her to enjoy. However, I am glad they get a 2nd home.

When we were in SF last winter, I found these awesome BSC comics! They were awesome and they follow word-by-word the dialogue and draw everything exactly as Ann M. Martin described.

I also found these hysterical blogs...

For awesome recaps of all the crazy outfits Claudia wore - what claudia wore

For snarky reviews of BSC books (and their companion series) - BSC Headquarters

I stayed up way too late reading both of them and remembering Claudia's outfits and the random storylines. The clothing descriptions were some of the best parts of the series!


karobug said...

How do you find time for everything? I know you and Stephen can inhale books/blogs, but doesn't it take you just as long as the rest of us to watch TV?

Junage said...

Ah, the wonders of DVR... So much more efficient, so much more tv...